The draft CAIGF agenda will be available shortly.
Adam Hadley
Adam runs a joint project with UN CTED concentrating on deepening understanding of private sector engagement in responding to terrorist use of ICT. In 2017 Adam will be leading Phase 2 of the UN CTED project which will include convening a series of global capacity building workshops and developing the knowledge-sharing platform for the use of governments and smaller ICT companies.
Alexandra Kulikova
Alexandra Kulikova is Head of Global Stakeholder Engagement for Eastern Europe and Central Asia at ICANN. As part of the global ICANN GSE team she leads the development and implementation of the ICANN GSE regional projects engaging with various stakeholder groups on a variety of topics regarding the role of ICANN in regional and global internet governance, global DNS security, stability and resiliency issues and DNS industry development. Previously she ran the research programme on global Internet governance and international information security at PIR Center think- tank, now acting as a consultant to it.
Alexandra holds an MSc degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science in media and communication governance and participated in the LSE Media Policy Project research group as a research assistant.
Alexey Kozliuk
Alexey Kozliuk is lawyer, human rights advocate, researcher of digital freedoms and international instruments of human rights protection. Recent years Alexey has been researching access to public sector information, freedom of information online, privacy and data protection. His research fellowship in the International Centre for Not-for-Profit Law (USA) was focused on the issue of content blocking under different jurisdictions. Alexey is a tutor on data protection in the European College of Liberal Arts (Belarus).
Andrew Sushko
Lawyer, expert in law and public administration, co-founder and development director of the institution “Advisory centre on contemporary international practices and their legal implementation “Human Constanta” (Minsk, Belarus). He is the author of a number of national and international studies in the field of access to public sector information, e-government and e-participation.
Andrii Paziuk
Dr. Andrii Paziuk is Hubert H. Humphrey (Fulbright Program) Fellow (2017-2018), American University Washington College of Law; Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University Institute of International Relations, Kyiv, Ukraine.
He defended his Ph.D. thesis devoted to the protection of privacy and personal data trans-border flows in 2004 and his post-doctoral thesis on International Cyber Law in 2016. Since 2012, Paziuk has been a lecturer and LL.M. program moderator of International Cyber Law at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and he is also the Vice President for the Ukrainian Academy of Cyber Security. Currently, he is a non-residential Fellow at the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security of the George Washington University, DC, USA.
Ankhi Das
Ankhi Das is the Director of Public Policy for Facebook in India and South & Central Asia. With over 17 years of public policy and regulatory affairs experience in the technology sector, Ankhi’s primary responsibilities are to lead Facebook’s efforts on connectivity, Internet governance, promoting access and Open Internet, privacy, data security, safety issues and political risk management for the company. Ankhi is also the Vice-Chair of the USIBC Digital Economy Committee.
Prior to joining Facebook in 2011, Ankhi worked as the Public Policy Director for Microsoft in India. As a graduate of Loreto College, University of Calcutta, Ankhi has done post-graduate studies specializing in international relations and political science at Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Arman Abdrasilov
Arman Abdrasilov is co-founder and director of the Association of Legal Entities “Center for analysis and investigation of cyber-attacks” (CAICA). Member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Engaged in the popularization and promotion of information security awareness.
Graduate of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi and KIMEP.
Asomudin Atoev
Asomudin Atoev is a project coordinator on cyber security of Citizens’ Initiative of Internet Policy Social Fund in Kyrgyzstan now. He is a Master in Computer Science (2000, Salford University, Great Britain), a Master in ICT Natural Sciences (information and communication technologies) for development (2010, Manchester University, Great Britain) and a Scholar in the International Policy Fellowships Programme 2004/2005 of the Policy Studying Center (Central Europe University). He actively deals with the issues of ICT introduction both in practice and policy at the national and regional levels. He has a number of publications in such issues as ICT advantages of providing free and open software for technological independence, information society, electronic government and electronic participation. His joint work with Richardo Dunkomb called “The Development of Potential E-citizen” has won an award of International ICEGOV 2011 Conference for the Best work in the field of the theory and practice of electronic control.
Besides, he is a coauthor of a number of researches on electronic readiness, cyber security, ICT for development, open data, digital broadcasting and regulations of telecommunication and TV and radio broadcasting.
Christian Teuschel
Christian Teuschel joined the RIPE NCC in 2010 and is currently a System Architect in the Research and Development department. He is responsible for the development and operation of RIPEstat, a widely used, web-based interface that provides data on Internet address space and related information for countries and hostnames. He also contributes to RIPE Atlas and other services provided by the RIPE NCC.
Christian is co-author of the RIPE Document “Sources of Abuse Contact Information for Abuse Handlers” (ripe-658). Expertise: RIPEstat, Internet measurements, Internet Abuse, RIPE Labs, Data Quality.
David Kiziria
Analyst and Concept Designer, Blockchain Evangelist.
The main areas of expertise: eGov/GovTech, planning of innovative business models, business process redesign, IT-architecture of information systems, project management, consulting for ICO projects.
Adviser to the Administration of the President of Ukraine since 2014.
Since 2004, he actively participated in the reforms of education and science in Georgia. He participated in projects in partnership with international agencies (UNHCR, USAID, DFID, EU) and with multinational companies (Microsoft, Google, Intel, PwC).
Associate Professor at the University of Georgia, invited lecturer at various universities, including Tbilisi Free University, Georgian Institute of Public Administration.
Diana Okremova
Diana received her degree in journalism from the State University of Kostanay. In addition she is a broadly trained specialist with management experience in economical journalism and high-performance management. Diana undertook internships in Delovoy Peterburg newspaper, Star Tribune newspaper (Minneapolis, USA) and LINK International Institute of Management. Her background includes experience of reporter and editor for Nasha Gazeta weekly in Kostanay and special correspondent for Vzglyad newspaper in Astana.
Over the last years Diana has been director of the Legal Media Center Foundation. Diana is keen to promote international standards for the protection of freedom of speech, legal training and advising journalists, conducting media research, and studying public media funding. Member of the working group of Majilis of the development and implementation of law of Access to Information/ Throughout her career, she provided dozens trainings on different aspects of media and NGO interaction, media planning, international standards of freedom of speech, human rights media coverage, etc.
Ghenadi Mitriuc
Being elected to the Moldovan Parliament in 2014, Ghenadi Mitriuc was appointed as a vice-person of the National Security, Defense and Public Order Commission. In March 2018, he became a member of the Supreme Security Council of the Republic of Moldova.
In the course of his parliamentary activity, Mr. Mitriuc, among many activities in the field of lawmaking and parliamentary oversight, has been giving the priority to those aimed at solving the issues of providing information security of the country while increasing the tempo of development of the information society in Moldova.
Prior to be elected to Parliament, Mr. Mitriuc had being engaged in politics, entrepreneurship; he also had served in a various national security institutions. Having earned a bachelor’s degree in law, and later a master’s degree in public administration, Mr. Mitriuc continues his education at the doctoral school studying National security and defense.
Maarit Palovirta
Maarit Palovirta joined the Internet Society in November 2013 in the role of Manager, European Regional Affairs.
Maarit is a senior business development and public affairs professional with a great track record in government advocacy. She has extensive experience in strategy and public policy issues with multiple stakeholders in the EU and CIS countries. She worked with CISCO as a Business Development Manager, Public Sector EMEA. She also has worked with well-known Public Affairs consultancies (as eg. Interel).
Marina Mkhitaryan
Marina Mkhitaryan is a development and change management professional with around 20 years’ experience managing development programs, media outlets and social initiatives.
Currently, Marina leads the first social venture incubator in Armenia – Kolba Social Innovation Lab, managing cutting-edge governance innovations, citizen engagement and idea coaching. She has spent the past three years evangelizing a shift towards human-centered design in public and civic initiatives, which helped to position Armenia as a leader in social innovation practices. Marina is currently a member of Smart City council of Yerevan Municipality, supporting the capital city to bring in citizen perspective into service provision.
Mikhail Anisimov
For the last seven years, he has worked in internet hosting and domain registration, holding various positions with Russia’s largest host providers and domain name registers. In 2013, as part of the Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development, he played an active role in launching the .МОСКВА and .MOSCOW domain zones. In 2014 he joined the ccTLD team where he is working in press-service and in staging the industry events.
Mikhail Anisimov is a member of various industrial organizations and an organizer of thematic conferences and forums concerning domain registration, hosting, internet infrastructure and cybersecurity. He represents Coordination center in different domestic and foreign internet conferences and makes lectures for schools and universities about internet infrastructure and information security.
Murat Aygojiev
Since 2017, Murat Aygojiev serves as a Head of the Republican State Enterprise “State Technical Service” of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 1998, he has worked in various organizations and telecommunications enterprises, specializing in information security and integrated information security. Served in management positions since 2003, heading and supervising primarily R&D projects.
He graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Faculty of Cybernetics. Murat holds a patent of the Russian Federation in the field of cryptographic information protection. He used to work for the Kazakhtelecom JSC.
Nikolay Dmitrik
In 2006-2012 Nikolay worked as a civil servant for the Legal Department of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of Russia (since 2008 – the Ministry of Communications of Russia).
In 2012 he was promoted to the head of the legal consulting department, a partner of the Russian consulting firm ParkMedia Consulting. In this position he worked till 2016. Since 2015, on the invitation of local governmental and non-governmental, as well as international organizations, provided active assistance to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan in the field of legal regulation on the transition to electronic governance. During this time, a legal framework was developed for the implementation of electronic governance (the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Electronic Governance”, “On Electronic Signatures”, the new version of the law “On Personal Information”, and supporting legislation), work is currently underway to establish legal bases of e-government infrastructure in Kyrgyzstan.
Since 2016, as a regional director, has been involved in the development of the Digital.Report project on ICT policy in the countries of Eurasia. He is one of the founders of the “School of Digital Rights” (, within the framework of which he delivers lectures on digital economy, electronic management, electronic signatures, and personal data protection. He provided workshop on personal data and privacy protection in Moscow, Minsk, Bishkek, Alma-Ata, Astana, Ohrid, and Toronto.
He is the author of more than 40 scientific publications in the field of ICT regulation, including a monograph on exercising of rights using the Internet.
Nurudin Mukhitdinov
Graduated the Tashkent electrotechnic Institute of communications with a degree radiocommunication and radiobroadcasting. After graduation, he worked his way up from an ordinary engineer to the head of the department of telecommunications and broadcasting of the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Tajikistan. From 1995 to 2003 Nurudin Mukhitdinov headed the industry of communications of the Republic of Tajikistan and was an active participator of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications.
In 2003 Nurudin Mukhitdinov was nominated by the Communications Administrations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan for the post of Director General of Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications and was unanimously elected on this position by the Board of the RCC CAs Heads. From 2003 was thrice elected on this position.
Nurudin Mukhitdinov is PhD in economics and has scientific works and thesis «Structural and Investment Policy in the industry of communications of the Republic of Tajikistan». Also Mr. Mukhitdinov is the Academician of the International Academy of Communications.
Oleg Petrov
Oleg Petrov has been working on digital development and knowledge sharing at the World Bank since 1996. Currently, Oleg coordinates the Smart Nations program, Open Data program, ICT programs in Russia, Kazakhstan and Serbia, and high profile knowledge sharing activities of the Bank’s ICT Unit at the Transport and ICT Global Practice, including the High-level Experts, Leaders, and Practitioners (HELP) for Transformation, Open Data Innovations Network, Open Government Data working group and Digital Development Community.
He was the first team leader for Moldova Governance e-Transformation program, the pioneering World Bank funded project to support Open Data, mobile e-ID and cloud computing infrastructure. Oleg conceived the Global Development Gateway (1999), coordinated about 20 Country Gateway programs in Europe and Asia (1999-2001) and global knowledge portals on ICT4D and Afghanistan Reconstruction (2002-2003). He also worked with the EU Public Sector Institutional Reform project in Russia on catalyzing multifunctional public service centers program and national e-government strategy (2007). Oleg holds a Master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University) and Diplomas from the Plekhanov Russian Economics Academy and Moscow International University.
Pavel Smolianinov
Pavel Smolianinov worked for 8 years in public sector, in the specialized agancy for the protection of information – the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine. He conducted audits of information security in computer networks of public authorities. The last 5 years he was engaged in the formation of state policy in the field of cybersecurity.
In 2016, together with associates, he co-organized the Ukrainian Academy of Cyber Security. In partnership with colleagues, he develops state-private cooperation in Ukraine. Projects in cybersecurity, in which the Ukrainian Academy of Cyber Security is involved, bring closer Academy to a goal – creation of National System of Cyber Security in Ukraine.
Sarkis Darbinyan
Sarkis Darbinyan works as the head of the Digital Rights Center and the leading lawyer of RosСomSvoboda. He is also known as the author of a series of studies focused on the legal regulation of copyright in the digital age, the responsibility of information intermediaries, the restriction of access to websites, cyber surveillance, the enforcement of the right for oblivion, and criminal and administrative prosecution for the expression of opinions on the Internet.
He is the ideologist of the “Time to change copyright» campaign and co-author of a number of bills on the regulation of copyright in the digital age.
As a staunch supporter of the multi-stakeholder approach to regulating relations on the Internet, Sarkis believes that any new legal regulation of relations corresponding to the use of online space should be balanced taking into account the rights and interests of all parties: users, businesses, and the state.
Serhii Antonenko
Serhii Antonenko has more than 25 years of professional experience in the field informatics and information law, is a permanent member of the team of authors on the development of information systems of the electronic parliament of Ukraine, the author of scientific articles and monographs.
He was engaged in the formation of state policy in the field of information, Internet and cybersecurity at senior positions in the National Agency for Informatization under the President of Ukraine, the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, and the State Agency for Electronic Government of Ukraine.
Currently, he is working on the implementation of reforms and building information systems in the field of e-government.
Tattu Mambetalieva
Tattu Mambetalieva has led many policy processes and redrafting of legislation on lawful intercept, independent media and privacy. She served as an advisor to three Kyrgyz presidents, and has co-convened workshops and executed projects with a wide range of stakeholders including the Regional Commonwealth of Communications (ITU), OECD, UNDP, UNESCO, USAID, Google, and others.
Vahan Hovsepyan
Vahan Hovsepyan has a diverse background in boosting initiatives in ICT field. He is a Director of ARMIX Foundation-Armenian neutral Internet exchange, Armenian Operators Union, with more than 20 member companies. He worked at the Union of Information Technology Enterprises as a Deputy Director, heading Armenian technological delegations during different local and international activities. He has served as a Jury Member of Georgian ICT Award, and in 2017 became an ICANN Fellow. Vahan has participated in IXP workshops in Dushanbe and Bishkek, and was a co-host of RIPE NCC Regional Meeting in 2015 and host of ENOG 12 in 2016. He graduated from Armenian-Russian State University, and has completed executive education courses in Maastricht School of Management and John. F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
From July 2017, Vahan will serve as an External Relations Officer with the RIPE NCC.
Vladimer Svanadze
Vladimir Svanadze is founder and chairman of the board of “Internet Development Initiative – IDI”, former consultant at LEPL (Legal Entity of Public Law) “Cyber Security Bureau” of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, Vladimir holds a master’s degree in the international policy. Has been studying cyber security policy, strategy and current best practices since 2011. Author of many works and articles. Prepared and published the first Georgian language book on cyber security. Initiated and organized various cyber security projects. Focal point at the EuroDIG2017. Furthermore, he is a doctorate of the social and political science program, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs.
Zaur Zeynalov
Zaur is a legal expert in the field of ICT since 2003. He was the editor of the Azerbaijani version of the newspaper Internet News (2003-2007), the author of numerous articles on the information society.
He closely participated in the development of legal acts on information technologies, as well as the development of the e-government within the Ministry of Communications and IT of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including the infrastructure of the electronic signature and the X-Road platform in Azerbaijan.
He was a consultant on promoting domain zone .AZ and IDN project.
Zaur holds LLM degree from the Baku State University and a MBA degree in computer science from the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy in partnership with Georgia State University.
Here is the list of keynote speakers of the 2nd CAIGF, conducted in 2017.
If you are interested in presenting at the event, please contact the Organizing Committee by email asomiddin[at]
We welcome presentations on challenges, tools, experiences and best practices in the following areas:
Internet Governance in Central Asia in the Context of Digital Transformation
- Internet regulation practice in the national context
- Data Industry as the source of new resources for Digital Economy
- Self-regulation as a compliment to Regulation
- Cyber-physical systems of the Industry 4.0 (IoT, Clouds, AI, Mobile) to address fundamentally new challenges
- Coordination of efforts of stakeholders in the process of changes, constantly requiring new ways of thinking, new competences, new rules, new partners and increased readiness for active participation in these changes
Digital Economy Readiness of the Central Asian States
- Digital Economy Transformation Key Challenges
- The State Role in building digital economy
- The Digital CASA role in the region digital transformation
- The IT Industry Clustering: practice and lessons learned
- Big Data Analytics
- National Economy digital transformation
Regulation of legal relations in the new reality
- Application of the blockchain technology perspectives in the region
- Internet of Things, Clouds, and Artificial Intelligence
- Accessibility of digital dividends, dependent from independent regulators of key industries
- Effectiveness of social media for data industry
Digital Central Asia Cyberspace
- The role of digital hygiene and social norms for the prevention of online extremism
- Multistakeholderism as a success factor in countering extremism online
- National Action Plans for Proactive Use of Internet in Countering Terrorist Threats
- Approaches for a balanced participation of the governments and civil society to formulate cybersecurity policy priorities
- Priority directions in building the regulatory framework of the critical infrastructure
Cybersecurity in the digital economy context
- Cybersecurity and protection of the critical infrastructure
- Cybersecurity for a person, society and state
- The relevance of the regional and global cooperation on cybersecurity
- Legal and Policy frameworks for the protection of critical infrastructure
Coordination of efforts in counteracting extremism online
- Extremism online – reflection of reality or an objective reality
- Regional and International technological efforts to Counter Terrorism, Tech Against Terrorism